diff verysimpleslideshow/verysimpleslideshow.py @ 0:dcd610585610

author prymula <prymula76@outlook.com>
date Thu, 21 Sep 2023 22:32:14 +0200
children 82b75cc1e524
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/verysimpleslideshow/verysimpleslideshow.py	Thu Sep 21 22:32:14 2023 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Very Simple Slide Show
+# autor: Prymula (PRP)
+# licencja: Public Domain
+# data 02-09-2023
+# edytor: Geany
+import os, sys
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+from sys import platform
+from PIL import Image
+from itertools import filterfalse
+VER = "0.230913-0"
+if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2":
+	SLA = '/'
+elif platform == "darwin":
+	SLA = '/'
+elif platform == "win32":
+	SLA = '\\'
+#count = 0
+tmp_path =  tempfile.mkdtemp()
+#mp_path =  dir_path = os.getcwd()
+#list_path =  dir_path = os.getcwd()
+tmp_list = tmp_path + SLA + "list.txt"
+#command = "ffmpeg -framerate 0.3 -pattern_type glob -i '"+tmp_path+"/*.jpg' -c:v libopenh264 -profile:v high -crf 20 -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4"
+command = "ffmpeg -f concat -y -r 0.2 -safe 0 -i '"+tmp_list+"' -framerate 1 -c:v libx264 -profile:v high -crf 20 -pix_fmt yuv420p -filter:a 'atempo=0.5' output.mp4"
+#command = "ffmpeg -f concat -y -r 0.2 -safe 0 -i '"+tmp_list+"' -framerate 1 -c:v mpeg4 -crf 20 -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4"
+#num = 0
+sample = None
+	sample = Image.Resampling.LANCZOS
+	print ("Uzywam LANCZOS")
+except AttributeError:
+	sample = Image.ANTIALIAS
+	print ("Uzywam: ANTIALIAS")
+class App():
+	BASE_APSC = 724
+	LONG = 1080
+	HALF = 540
+	BASE_MICRO = 810
+	BASE = None
+	#n_pictures = 0
+	count = 0
+	def list_files(self, dir_path):
+		res = []
+		try:
+			for file_path in os.listdir(dir_path):
+				if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir_path, file_path)):
+					res.append(os.path.join(dir_path, file_path))
+		except FileNotFoundError:
+			print(f"The directory {dir_path} does not exist")
+		except PermissionError:
+			print(f"Permission denied to access the directory {dir_path}")
+		except OSError as e:
+			print(f"An OS error occurred: {e}")
+		return res
+	def file_exclusion(self, files):
+		for f in files[:]:
+			if f.rfind('.jpg') == -1:
+				#print('usuwam: '+f)
+				files.remove(f)
+		return files
+	def get_files(self):
+		dir_path = os.getcwd()  
+		print ("GETCWD: "+dir_path)
+		files = self.list_files(dir_path)
+		return a.file_exclusion(files)
+	def create_horizontal_surface(self):
+		return Image.new('RGB', (a.LONG, a.BASE))
+	def create_vertical_surface(self):
+		return Image.new('RGB', (a.BASE, a.LONG))
+	def put_horizontal_image(self, image):
+		global sample
+		new = Image.new("RGB", (a.LONG, a.BASE))
+		if image.size[0] != a.LONG:
+			image = image.resize((a.LONG, a.BASE), sample, None, 3.0)
+		new.paste(image, (0,0), mask = image)
+		return new
+	def put_vertical_image(self, image):
+		global sample
+		new = Image.new("RGB", (a.BASE, a.LONG))
+		if image.size[0] != a.BASE:
+			image = image.resize((a.BASE, a.LONG), sample, None, 3.0)
+		new.paste(image, (0,0), mask = image)
+		return new
+	# dodaje portrety do kraiobrazu
+	def join_image_to_horizontal(self, image, destinity):
+		global sample  # n_pictures
+		single = False
+		print ("DLUGOSC: "+str(len(image)))
+		if len(image) == 1: #  and n_pictures > 0: # 1
+			print ("SINGIELEK")
+			#num += 1 # tymczasowy
+			tmp = image[-1]. resize((a.HALF, a.BASE), sample, None, 3.0)
+			destinity.paste(tmp, (300,0), mask = tmp)
+			image.pop()
+			single = True
+		elif len(image) > 0:
+			#num += 1 # tymczasowy
+			tmp = image[-1].resize((a.HALF, a.BASE), sample, None, 3.0)
+			destinity.paste(tmp, (0,0), mask = tmp)
+			image.pop()
+			if len(image) > 0:
+				#num += 1 # tymczasowy
+				tmp = image[-1]. resize((a.HALF, a.BASE), sample, None, 3.0)
+				destinity.paste(tmp, (a.HALF,0), mask = tmp)
+				image.pop()
+		return destinity, len(image), single
+	# dodaje kraiobrazy do portretu
+	def join_image_to_vertical(self, image, destinity):
+		global sample  # n_pictures
+		single = False
+		print ("DLUGOSC: "+str(len(image)))
+		if len(image) ==  1: # and a.n_pictures > 0: # 1
+			print ("SINGIELEK")
+			#num += 1 # tymczasowy
+			tmp = image[-1]. resize((a.BASE, a.HALF), sample, None, 3.0)
+			destinity.paste(tmp, (0,300), mask = tmp)
+			image.pop()
+			single = True
+			#a.n_pictures -= 1
+		elif len(image) > 0:
+			#num += 1 # tymczasowy
+			tmp = image[-1].resize((a.BASE, a.HALF), sample, None, 3.0)
+			destinity.paste(tmp, (0,0), mask = tmp)
+			image.pop()
+			#a.n_pictures -= 1
+			if len(image) > 0:
+				#num += 1 # tymczasowy
+				tmp = image[-1]. resize((a.BASE, a.HALF), sample, None, 3.0)
+				destinity.paste(tmp, (0, a.HALF), mask = tmp)
+				image.pop()
+				#a.n_pictures -= 1
+		return destinity, len(image), single
+	def read_images_from_directory(self, files):
+		#global n_pictures
+		images_vertical = []
+		images_horizontal = []
+		if len(files) == 0:
+			print ('Brak plików JPG !')
+			a.cleanup()
+			exit (1)
+		for f in files:
+			image = Image.open(f).convert('RGBA')
+			if image.size[1] > image.size[0]:
+				s = float(image.size[0] / image.size[1]) 
+				if s > 0.6 and s < 0.69:
+					a.BASE = a.BASE_APSC
+					print ("obraz vertical APSC: "+f+"  s:"+str(s))
+					images_vertical.insert(-1, image)
+					#a.n_pictures += 1
+				elif s > 0.7 and s < 0.79:
+					a.BASE = a.BASE_MICRO
+					print ("obraz vertical MICRO: "+f+"  s:"+str(s))
+					images_vertical.insert(-1, image)
+					#a.n_pictures += 1 
+				else:
+					print ("Ver - Niedozwolony rozmiar zdjęcia s: "+str(s) + " Foto: "+f)
+			if image.size[0] > image.size[1]:
+				s = float(image.size[0] / image.size[1]) 
+				if s > 1.4 and s <= 1.51:
+					a.BASE = a.BASE_APSC
+					print ("obraz horizontal APSC: "+f+"  s:"+str(s));
+					images_horizontal.insert(-1, image)
+					#a.n_pictures += 1
+				elif s > 1.3 and s < 1.39:
+					a.BASE = a.BASE_MICRO
+					print ("obraz horizontal MICRO: "+f+"  s:"+str(s));
+					images_horizontal.insert(-1, image)
+					#a.n_pictures += 1
+				else:
+					print ("Hor - Niedozwolony rozmiar zdjęcia s: "+str(s) + " Foto: "+f)
+		#print ("N_PICTURES: "+str(a.n_pictures))
+		return images_vertical, images_horizontal
+	def cleanup(self):
+		# NIEBEZPIECZNA ! lepiej niczym innym nie nadpisywać tych zmiennych
+		shutil.rmtree(tmp_path)
+	def save_vertical_to_horizontal(self, images_vertical, jpg_names):
+		#global count
+		for i in images_vertical[:]:
+			output, list_size, single = a.join_image_to_horizontal(images_vertical, a.create_horizontal_surface())
+			if list_size != 0 or single == True:
+				#output.show()  
+				output.save(str(tmp_path)+SLA+jpg_names[a.count], format='JPEG')
+				a.count += 1
+	def save_horizontal_to_vertical(self, images_horizontal, jpg_names):
+		#global count
+		for i in images_horizontal[:]:
+			output, list_size, single  = a.join_image_to_vertical(images_horizontal, a.create_vertical_surface())
+			if list_size != 0 or single == True:
+				#output.show()
+				output.save(str(tmp_path)+SLA+jpg_names[a.count], format='JPEG')
+				a.count += 1
+	def save_vertical(self, images_vertica, jpg_names):
+		#global count
+		for i in images_vertical[:]:
+			output = a.put_vertical_image(i)
+			output.save(str(tmp_path)+SLA+jpg_names[a.count], format='JPEG')
+			#output.show()
+			images_vertical.pop()
+			a.count += 1
+	def save_horizontal(self, images_horizontal, jpg_names):
+		#global count
+		for i in images_horizontal[:]:
+			output = a.put_horizontal_image(i)
+			output.save(str(tmp_path)+SLA+jpg_names[a.count], format='JPEG')
+			#output.show()
+			images_horizontal.pop()
+			a.count += 1
+	def name_jpg_wihout_path(self):
+		files_jpg_names = a.file_exclusion(os.listdir())
+		for f in files_jpg_names:
+			f = f[0] + "file "
+		#print ("Ekstrat: " + str(files_jpg_names))
+		return files_jpg_names
+	def at_unslash(self, path):
+		p = path.replace("\\","/")
+		print("PO KONWERSJI: "+p)
+		return p
+	def dump_jpg_list(self, files_jpg_names):
+		print("tmp_list")
+		with open(tmp_list, 'w') as fp:
+			for item in files_jpg_names:
+				# FIXME - to nic nie daje dalej wyrzuca "invalid argument"
+				if platform == "win32":
+					fp.write("file '"+a.at_unslash(str(tmp_path) + SLA +"%s'\r\n" % item))
+				else:
+					# write each item on a new line
+					fp.write("file '"+str(tmp_path) + SLA +"%s'\r\n" % item)
+				print("Zapisany plik do list.txt --> "+item)
+		return files_jpg_names
+a = App()
+jpg_names = a.dump_jpg_list(a.name_jpg_wihout_path())
+if len(sys.argv) == 1 or sys.argv[-1] == '-H':
+	images_vertical, images_horizontal = a.read_images_from_directory(a.get_files())
+	a.save_horizontal(images_horizontal, jpg_names)
+	a.save_vertical_to_horizontal(images_vertical, jpg_names)
+	#print ("_---------------N_PIC: "+str(a.n_pictures))
+	print(command)
+	os.popen(command).read()
+elif sys.argv[-1] == '-V':
+	images_vertical, images_horizontal = a.read_images_from_directory(a.get_files())
+	a.save_vertical(images_vertical, jpg_names)
+	a.save_horizontal_to_vertical(images_horizontal, jpg_names)
+	#print ("_---------------N_PIC: "+str(a.n_pictures))
+	print(command)
+	os.popen(command).read()
+	print ("\n\nUżycie:\n\n Uruchom skrypt w katalogu z plikami JPG\n\n   'vsss -H' | 'vsss'  dla video horyzontalnego\n   'vsss -V'   dla video vertykalnego\n\n \
+	'vsss -h'  aby wyświetlić pomoc i numer wersji.\n		verysimpleslideshow (vsss) ver. "+VER+"\n                SEPT-2023")